Get To Know Our Team
Patient-Focused Care
in Casper, WY
We know how stressful it can be to keep up with regular dental appointments, but having a family dentist you can trust makes a big difference. At Oil City Dental, we strive to make every patient’s visit a comfortable and pleasant experience. Our team of highly skilled dentists, support staff, and hygienists is committed to providing compassionate dental services in a relaxing environment while accommodating your busy schedule.

Discover Our Services

Our Doctor:
Dr. Trent Bauer, Managing Dentist
I grew up in a small town in Montana of about 2000 people and have been loving my life in the big city of Casper for the last seven years. Casper is a wonderful family friendly town that has taken in me and my family and made us feel so welcomed. I absolutely love the fact that my practice is filled with the same wonderful people. The people of Wyoming in general are down to earth, wonderful people who make coming to work a delight. Casper is home. We love it here and plan to stay and serve the wonderful people of this area. Thank you for all of your support!